I’m a family historian and genealogist who loves researching and learning about my ancestors, their families, their hardships and successes, because all of that is what makes me, me.

Most of my families came to Virginia and North Carolina from England and Wales before the Revolutionary War; some came from lowland Scotland or northern Ireland (it’s hard to tell exactly where). From there, many branches moved on to Kentucky and Tennessee. Finding their home towns in the British Isles, however, has been challenging and rather like detective work, constantly uncovering and validating clues.
I’m also the family historian for my husband’s family. All eight of his great-grandparents arrived here from Ireland between 1843 and 1879. Our research is both on Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, where they lived here, as well as Counties Kerry, Tipperary, Donegal, Monaghan, and Meath, the counties they left to make a new life in the United States. So if you’re looking at the Ireland/Gough portion of our website, please understand that my knowledge here is more limited.